पोषण और चयापचय में अंतर्दृष्टि


Synergistic role of food in shaping the immune system

Shilpee Agrawal

 A healthy outside starts from the inside”. Nutrition is intricately linked to immunity and to the risk and severity of infections. Poorly nourished individuals are at a greater risk of various bacterial, viral, and other infections. Conversely, chronic or severe infections lead to nutritional disorders or worsen the nutritional status of affected people. Balanced nutrition, especially in terms of essential nutrients, dietary intake along with environmental exposures, and nutrigenomic influences play a substantial role in the ability of the immune system to respond and resolve infectious insults.The nutriments which support and stimulate the immune system are called “Immuno-nutritional elements”that can be consumed naturally in daily food habits or, those genetically modified, or enriched nutriments. Insufficient intake of nutrients occurs in people with eating disorders, in smokers (active and passive), in individuals with chronic alcohol abuse, in certain diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, and in the elderly.