ट्रॉमा और क्रिटिकल केयर जर्नल

आयतन 3, मुद्दा 1 (2019)

शोध आलेख

Frontal placement of subdural drain for subdural hemorrhage: A single center experience

  • Mohammad Alif Yunus, Mohd Asrol Hafizi Ab Majid, Arman Muhammad Nor, Nujaimin Udin
शोध आलेख

The incidence of chronic pain following tibial diaphyseal fracture.

  • Francois Prinsloo, Christian Flynn, Matthew Prime, Alex Wickham, Shehan Hettiaratchy
शोध आलेख

Acute compartment syndrome in patients on long-term anticoagulation therapy

  • Matthew Mazur, Nour Jabaly, Nabil Ebraheim