जीव विज्ञान और चिकित्सा मामले की रिपोर्ट

आयतन 4, मुद्दा 1 (2020)

शोध आलेख

New phospholipids analogues as candidates to an anti T. cruzi chemoterapy: in vitro test and ultra-structural analysis

  • Emile Barrias, Renato Granato, Luiz Romeiro and Wanderley de Souza
शोध आलेख

Stress may influence host response following surgery. Can we predict postoperative infection beneficial or harmful?

  • T Mozes, K G ornicsar, A Gros, Ta Mozes, E Biro,L Kovacs,Ta Beoth and Zs Domjan
शोध आलेख

Mathematical modeling and epidemic prediction of 2019-nCoV and its significance to epidemic prevention and control measures.

  • Yichi Li, Bowen Wang, Ruiyang Peng, Chen Zhou, Yonglong Zhan, Zhuoxun Liu, Xia Jiang, Bin Zhao