Ultrasonography and fluoroscopy guided implantable chest ports in pediatric oncology patients: single center experience
Ismail Okan Yildirim, Kaya Sarac
Objective: To evaluate the long term outcomes of implantable chest ports in pediatric oncology patients.
Material and Methods: The study includes chest port insertion procedures performed in a total of 68 pediatric oncology patients (31 girls and 37 boys) at Department of Interventional Radiology between October 2014 and October 2016. Mean age of the patients was 6.28 years (range 6 months-16 years). All procedures were performed under ultrasonography and fluoroscopy guidance. All data were analyzed restrospectively.
Results: Technical success of all procedures was 100%. Duration of use is mean 199 days for chest port catheter (range 1-302 day). Perioperative complications developed in 4 patients (n=2 jugular vein and port pocket site hemorrhage, n=2 catheter malposition) and long-term complications developed in 9 (n=2 catheter malposition, n=1 insertion site infection, n=3 catheter-related blood stream infection, n=3 skin dehiscense). Premature catheter removal occurred in 8 patients.
Conclusion: Insertion of ultrasonography and fluoroscopy-guided implantable port devices results in high technical success and low complication rates. This condition suggests that interventional radiologists would come in the foreground in this field.