कार्डियोवस्कुलर और थोरैसिक सर्जरी के इतिहास


The association between cardiovascular disease and deficiency of vitamin D.

Ankita Singh

Vitamin D plays a very important role in our body while it’s deficiency can cause Cardiovascular diseases like cardiac contraction, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia etc. As we know, Vitamin D is known to control the skeleton pathology and physiology function regulates calcium and phosphorus level, regulates calcium-related hormones like Parathyroid hormone and remodelling of bones etc. Besides, several active metabolites of Vitamin D can affect directly or indirectly by the trans-activation of receptor Vitamin D3 and can harm on endocrine, autocrine and paracrine system of body respectively which leads to cardiovascular disorders like heart attack and strokes.