जर्नल ऑफ मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजी एंड थेरेप्यूटिक्स


Neuroblastom of the bone marrow in young adult male without identifiable primary.

Basil kadhim Abdullah Al odda*, Zainab Basil Kadhim Al odda, Ghada Basil Kadhim Al odda, Zena Jameee, Ahmed Hussein Al byatee

Neuroblastoma is the most common malignancy in infancy and the third most common cancer in pediatric, following the acute leukemia and central nervous system tumor, constituting approximately 7-10% of pediatric malignancy. Most of the patients (approximately 90%) diagnosed before the age of 5 years, with peak incidence at the age of two years. However, the incidence of neuroblastoma decreasing with age and less than 5% from all cases diagnosed after the age of 10 years, its occurrence is rare during adulthood (one per 10 million cancer diagnoses per year). In addition, neuroblastoma is very rarely presented with Bone marrow involvement without identifiable primary site. We reported a young adult male patient with advanced neuroblastoma at the age of 21 with solely Bone marrow involvement without radiological identifiable primary tumor site who was died before starting him on chemotherapy treatment because of severe febrile neutropenia.