जर्नल ऑफ़ क्लिनिकल डेंटिस्ट्री एंड ओरल हेल्थ


Lip abscess due to insect bite- A case report

Supriya Vijay Gupta, Vidya Krishnarao Lohe, Rahul Raghunath Bhowate, Tulika Narendra Soni and Ankur Banode

We report an unusual case of a rapidly enlarged swelling on the lower lip of a 14-year-old female patient, which was suspected to be lip abscess on the basis of clinical presentation and was treated with antibiotics analgesics both topically and systemically. Rapidly enlarging skin lesions pose great challenges in the management. As the lesions are rapidly increasing in size, they eliminate the first-line reconstructive options that can compromise aesthetic and functional outcomes. Accurate medicinal management is important, as it has an impact on the virulence of microorganisms. Early referral to a specialist is essential to avoid any need for a more invasive procedure and associated morbidity.