जर्नल ऑफ़ क्लिनिकल नेफ्रोलॉजी एंड थेरेप्यूटिक्स


kidney diseases caused by hypertension

Rachel Cohen

Uncontrolled high blood pressure over time can lead to the arteries surrounding the kidneys becoming more constricted, frail, or rigid. The renal tissue cannot receive adequate blood from these damaged arteries. Kidney arteries with damage do not filter blood well. Your blood is filtered by tiny, finger-like kidney structures called nephrons. Damage to the blood arteries in the kidneys may cause them to stop functioning properly. When this occurs, the kidneys are unable to completely cleanse your body of wastes and extra fluid. Extra fluid in the blood arteries can create a deadly cycle that raises blood pressure even higher and damages the kidneys more.