जर्नल ऑफ़ बायोमेडिकल इमेजिंग एंड बायोइंजीनियरिंग


Estimation the Doses of patients resulting from Diagnostic Cardiac Imaging Modalities

Shaban Alramlawy, I.Maamoun

 Evaluating the   risks and benefits of cardiac imaging for patients is considered of high concern. Because of the lack of solid evidence that would suggest disease-management strategies guided by cardiac imaging more often lead to better patient outcomes than empirical medical strategies. Also, there is a lack of information and direct evidence for harm from cardiac imaging modalities of diagnostic medical radiation .The aim of work: Estimation of Patient Radiation Doses Due to Diagnostic Cardiac Imaging Modalities. Method : 120 patients (weight = 85±10 Kg and Age =50 ±10) are divided into three groups according to cardiac  diagnostic procedures (A: n=20, SPECT (Siemens Symbia ) , Injected activity=950 MBq for stress/rest on two days) ; (B : n=20 , Fluoroscopy (Siemens ), The average time of fluoroscopy and cine-modes was 4.2±1.8 min and 10.7±2.9min respectively)) and (C: n=20 ,CT Coronary ( Philips 256) , KV =120 ,MA = 300). Results: CT Coronary (Gp. C) are highly significant patient dose (P<0.005) than SPECT (Gp .A). Where the average effective doses of groups C and A are 32.0±10.5 mSv and 13.5±1.7 mSv respectively. The effective dose of ICA (Gp. B) is 49.1±2.5 mSv which is highly significant (P<0.05) than A and C groups. Conclusion: Our results concluded that there is evidence supportive of high effective dose which reflect an increased risk of cancer incidence at levels of radiation commonly received by cardiac diagnostic imaging modalities. keywords: Cardiac Imaging Modalities, CT Coronary, interventional cardiology (ICA)