वर्तमान बाल चिकित्सा अनुसंधान


Differences in knowledge before and after using video media about dental caries during the covid 19 pandemic at sdn kandang cut aceh besar Indonesia.

Herry Imran*, Niakurniawati, Asriwati Amirah

Audio visual aids in the form of videos are one of the extension media that has many advantages and is easier for students to accept. Based on data from the Darul Imarah Health Center, the students who experienced caries at SDN (Public Elementary School) Kandang Cut were of the 23 students who were netted 20 children who had caries, the other 3 students were free of dental caries. generally, health workers only provide counseling delivered using the lecture as a method using phantom media and posters, but officers do not use video media. The purpose of the study was to determine the difference in knowledge before and after the use of video media about dental caries in fifth and sixth grade students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was analytic in nature with a quasiexperimental pre and post test only design. The research population of all students in grades V and VI amounted to 38 people and the sample used was saturated sampling. The study was carried out on February 23, 2021 and data analysis was performed using the Paired t-test with a degree of confidence. The results of the study showed that student knowledge before using video media about dental caries was quite poor (79%). While after using video media as a tool to explain about dental caries showed sufficient improvement in as many as 15 students (39%). It shows that the knowledge variable has a difference in values before and after counseling the use of video media about dental caries during the COVID-19 pandemic of 24.47. It can be concluded that there is a difference in knowledge before and after the use of video media about dental caries (p=0.001). It is hoped that the school will provide education using video media about dental and oral health, especially about dental caries to students during this COVID pandemic.